In an unprecedented move, Meta, led by Mark Zuckerberg, is gearing up to compete directly with tech giant Apple in the realm of mixed-reality headsets. According to reports, Meta employees are said to be experiencing a sense of trepidation as they enter what one worker described as the “afraid of Apple” phase.
The rivalry between the two companies centers on the sale of mixed-reality headsets, with Apple’s Vision Pro announcement earlier this year marking its foray into this space. Despite Meta’s head start, having unveiled its first headset in 2017, Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman suggests that Apple poses a formidable challenge for Mark Zuckerberg.
Apple is renowned for its strategic approach, entering new product categories only when it can deliver an unparalleled user experience. The success of the iPhone is a prime example of this strategy, with Apple now dominating over half of the U.S. smartphone market, a testament to its patient and calculated market entry.
While Apple employees reportedly exude confidence in the company’s ability to produce a superior product, the sentiment among Meta employees is described as somewhat different. There is a sense that Meta may make adjustments to its product and marketing strategies based on the performance of Apple’s device.
Interestingly, Apple’s marketing of the Vision Pro differs from Meta’s previous approach to its Quest headsets. Apple emphasizes the device’s role in productivity, communication, and entertainment, with less emphasis on traditional gaming.
Mark Zuckerberg, Meta’s CEO, has publicly downplayed Apple’s product, criticizing it as “not the one I want” and asserting that the headsets are distinctly different. Despite expressing initial concerns that Apple might showcase a breakthrough headset, Zuckerberg found this not to be the case, stating that Apple appears to target a different market segment with the Vision Pro’s $3,499 price point.
In contrast, Meta has been working to reduce the prices of its headsets, with the entry-level Quest 2 priced at $299 and the upcoming Quest 3 at $499. The Quest Pro, the most expensive model, is set at around $1,000.
Acknowledging the competition with Apple, Zuckerberg has previously stated that Meta and the metaverse are engaged in a “very deep, philosophical competition” with the tech giant. As the race unfolds, Meta’s Quest 3 is scheduled for launch on Tuesday, while Apple’s Vision Pro is slated for an “early next year” release.
Spokespeople for Meta and Apple have not yet responded to requests for comment.